Rendezvous with history

By: Tamara Roach

Once a year in September you can step into a part of Blackford County’s history. The Rendezvous on the Reserve, on the first weekend after Labor Day, is on the site near Montpelier chose by Chief Francois Godfroy as part of the 1818 Treaty of St. Mary’s between the Miami Indiana and the U.S. government.

The Rendezvous is a living history encampment that depicts the fur trade era in the Indiana wilderness from 1760-1840.

Bryon Maddox, president of the Montpelier Historical Society, helped organize Rendezvous on the Reserve. He stages a reenactment of the Stone Hunter Trading Company and says he likes the annual event for a chance to experience a simpler lifestyle and get away from the stress of modern life.

Bryon Maddox (background) enacts the Stone Hunter Trading Company site.

The third annual Rendezvous was held September 6-8. Descendants of native people and others dedicated to preserving the historical record offer a variety of demonstrations from muzzleloading competitions to candlemaking.

Opening day, Friday, each year is Student Education Day and area schools are invited to send groups to observe the demonstrations and participate in some hands-on learning activities. There is a modest admission charge for adults and children under 12 are admitted free. The 2020 Rendezvous on the Reserve will be September 11-13. Mark your calendar!

Ashley Anderson (right) portrays a French fur trader demonstrating craft techniques for visitors at the 3rd annual Rendezvous on the Reserve.